Revista de Odontologia da UNESP
Revista de Odontologia da UNESP
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Estudo histopatológico da polpa dental inflamada de dentes de cães após pulpotomia ou curetagem pulpar e proteção com hidróxido de cálcio efeito de um agente antiflogístico

Histological study of the reaction of the inflamed dental pulp of dogs teeth after pulpotomy or pulp-curettage and covering with calcium hidroxide. Effect of topical glucocorticoid dressing

Mello, W.; Holland, R.; Berbert, A.

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Foram utilizados 8 cães cujas polpas dos dentes anteriores tinham sido expostas ao meio bucal durante 7 dias. Um dos animais serviu para avaliar a inflamação dessas polpas. Nos demais realizou-se a curetagem ou a pulpotomia nos referidos dentes e na metade dele os remanescentes pulpares foram protegidos imediatamente com pasta aquosa de hidróxido de cálcio. A outra metade recebeu um curativo com prednisolona a 2,5% misturada em partes iguais com Furacin oto-solução e pequena quantidade de xilocaína, por 48 horas, antes de receber aquela proteção. Trinta dias após os tratamentos, os animais foram sacrificados e seus dentes descalcificados e processados para análise histológica. Comprovou-se que o tratamento mais efetivo para polpas inflamadas foi a pulpotomia precedida de um curativo com antiflogístico, e que quando da realização da curetagem pulpar, esse curativo deverá ser abolido.


Pulpotomia, curetagem, hidróxido de cálcio


The dental pulps of the single root teeth of 8 young mongrel dogs were exposed to the oral environment for 7 days. The teeth of one animal were taken as control for the evaluation of the dental pulp inflammation. Pulpotomy or curettage were done in the teeth of 7 dogs and 50% of these teeth had their remnant pulp immediately protected with calcium hydroxide. The other 50% received a dressing of prednisolone 2.5% associated to Furacin oto-solution, in equal amounts, for 48 hours before the protection with caJcium hydroxide. The crown openings of all the treated teeth were sealed with zinc oxide-eugenol cement. Thirty days after the treatment, the teeth were extracted, lixed and decalcilied. Serial sections with 6 microns thick were stained with hematoxylin and eosin. The pulps with total hard tissue barrier and no inflammatory reaction were considered as success cases. The obtained results suggest the following conclusions: a.- the pulpotomy technique was better than pulp-curettage on the treatment of the inflamed dental pulp; b.- the best results were obtained in the pulpotomy group where a glucocorticoid dressing was employed for 48 hours before pulp protection with calcium hydroxide; C.- the glucocorticoid dressing was not effective in the pulpcurettage group.


Pulpotomy, pulp-curettage, calcium hydroxide


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