Revista de Odontologia da UNESP
Revista de Odontologia da UNESP


Volume 40, Issue 2, 2011

40(2), 2011

Original Article

Influence of brushing cycles on weight loss and roughness of the glass ionomer cements Soares, Vinicius Anderle; Nesi, Josevania; Reinke, Stella Maria Glaci; Santos, Fábio André dos; Chibinski, Ana Cláudia Rodrigues; Wambier, Denise Stadler Glass ionomer cements, toothbrushing, weight loss
Effect of specimen size on flexural strength of restorative composites Santos, Sybilla Cristine do Couto; Abi-Rached, Filipe de Oliveira; Almeida-Júnior, Antonio Alves de; Cruz, Carlos Alberto dos Santos Specimen size, flexural strength, restorative composites
Antimicrobial efficacy of the extract of Croton sonderianus Müll. on bacteria that cause dental caries Silva, Viviane Araújo da; Oliveira, Carlos Rangel de Moura; Freitas, Andréa Fernanda Ramos de; Costa, Maria Regina Macedo; Pessôa, Hilzeth de Luna Freire; Pereira, Maria do Socorro Vieira Croton sonderianus, dental caries, antimicrobial action
Anatomy of the pulp-champer floor of maxillary molars: part I Pereira, Elder Ramos; Carnevalli, Breno; Franco de Carvalho, Elaine Manso Oliveira Pulpar chamber, microscopy, anatomy
Evaluation of the form and the cervical, medium and apical diameter of the main canals and root apex of the maxillary molar - part II Levorato, Gustavo Labegalline; Pereira, Elder Ramos; Carnevalli, Breno; Franco de Carvalho, Elaine Manso Oliveira Dental pulp cavity, tooth apex, microscopy
Marginal adaptation of the Mineral Trioxide Aggregate with and without calcium chloride in root-end cavities Faria-Júnior, Norberto Batista de; Bortoluzzi, Eduardo Antunes; Berbert, Fábio Luiz Camargo Villela; Tanomaru-Filho, Mário; Guerreiro-Tanomaru, Juliane Maria Oral surgery, retrograde obturation, dental marginal adaptation
Antifungal activity of borax-based formula on Candida spp. Santos, Silvana Soléo Ferreira dos; Pereira, Daniel Freitas Alves; Martins, Clélia Aparecida de Paiva; Zöllner, Maria Stella Amorin da Costa; Jorge, Antonio Olavo Cardoso; KOGA-ITO, Cristiane Yumi Koga-Ito Candida spp., borax, honey, water of roses
Pathological changes and mandibular angle fractures justify the prophylactic extraction of third lower molars? Duarte, Bruno Gomes; Dias-Ribeiro, Eduardo; Rocha, Julierme Ferreira; Sampieri, Marcelo Bonifácio da Silva; Sant’Ana, Eduardo; Gonçalves, Eduardo Sanches Tooth extraction, third molar, oral surgery
Limitations of enamel microabrasion technique applied in a pediatric patient: case report Paschoal, Marco Aurélio Benini; Zuanon, Ângela Cristina Cilense; Santos-Pinto, Lourdes Microabrasion, dental enamel defects, stains
Forensic importance of the panoramic radiography and odontology analysis for human identification – a related case Musse, Jamilly de Oliveira; Marques, Jeidson Antônio Morais; Vilas Boas, Celso Danilo Fonseca; Sousa, Rogério Serafim Vieira de; Oliveira, Rogério Nogueira de Human identification, maxillary sinus, panoramic radiography, forensic dentistry

Rev. odontol. UNESP

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